While the needs of the community have changed over the years, we have retained our fundamental mission to educate children, strengthen families and build community.
We help people transform their lives. People most affected by inequity should lead the efforts to create solutions for the problems they face.
We behave ethically, honestly and fairly.
We appreciate, respect and embrace the diversity of our staff, participants and community.
We believe in the power of the collective and we work to define and achieve common goals.
We respond to the convergence of demographic, political and social shifts by learning best practices or generating new solutions that are impactful.
We believe in the inherent worth of all people and in what makes each one of us unique and special. Our values and commitment to DEI empower us all to be better leaders, educators, advocates, employees, and citizens who effectively serve the children and families within the New Orleans region. Through our shared commitment we hold ourselves accountable to interrupt patterns of privilege and access that lead to inequities, injustices, and oppression.
© Clover New Orleans. All rights reserved.
Website by Spears Group.
Clover is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
Dial 7-1-1 to use Hamilton Relay in Louisiana, or call one of the toll free numbers below:
TTY: 800-846-5277
Voice: 800-947-5277
Speech-to-Speech: 888-272-5530
Spanish-to-Spanish: 800-737-1813 (includes Spanish-to-Spanish and translation from English to Spanish)